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Central Office
716 751-9341
716 751-9341
Wilson Elementary - 716-751-9341 Ext. 160
Fax 716-751-6856
Fax 716-751-6856
HS/MS - 716-751-9341 Ext. 125
Fax 716-751-9597
Fax 716-751-9597
Counseling Center
High School
716-751-9341 ext. 116
716-751-9341 ext. 116
Wilson Elementary School
Elementary School
716-751-9341 ext. 117 or 133
716-751-9341 ext. 117 or 133
Wilson High School
High School
716-751-9341 ext. 114
716-751-9341 ext. 114
Wilson Middle School
Middle School
716-751-9341 ext. 124
716-751-9341 ext. 124
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