Business Office Suite - located across from the HS Nurse's Office
Catherine Lewis, District Treasurer
Cathy can help with:
- Checks paid to the District
- District SDMT Grants
- Employee lost/destroyed checks
- Expenditure Status Reports
- Mileage Rates
- nVision password reset
- Scholarship Funds
Phone: 716-751-9341 ext. 151
Carolyn Oliveri, Business Administrator
Carolyn can help with:
- Annual Training
- CTLE Questions
- Sexual Harassment
- Civil Rights Issues
- Employee HR Portal
- Records Access
- Student Transportation
- 1095's or 1099's
Lisa Smith, Account Clerk + School Tax Collector

Lisa can help with:
- Purchasing
- Requisitions
- Reimbursements
- School Taxes
- Notary
Phone: 716-751-9341 ext. 150
* Amy Seeley (AIS/Curriculum Facilitator) and Todd Harmon (Director of Facilities) also have offices located in the Business Office Suite - Stop by and Say Hi!
High School Office
Susan Anderson, Account Clerk + Extra Classroom Activities Account Treasurer

Sue can help with:
- Attendance / Leave Balances
- Employee Timesheets
- Cancer Screening Leave
- Sick Leave Banks
- Student Activities Accounts
- Student Attendance
Phone: 716-751-9341 ext. 111
Superintendent's Office - located next to the High School Office
Jennifer Pavan, Superintendent's Secretary + District Clerk
Phone: 716-751-9341 ext. 119
Jen can help with:
- Personnel Files
- Graduate Hours + Tuition Reimbursement
- Workshop/Conference Requests
- Tenure Questions
- Accidents (Employees) + Workers' Compensation Forms
- Budget Vote + Election Questions
- Picking up live paychecks on Friday morning
- Notary
Employee Handbook