• Key Fobs

    • All key fobs are the property of the Wilson Central School District and must be returned to the Business Office prior to leaving employment.

    • Key fobs may not be used to gain access to any area the person is not specifically authorized to enter.

    • Key fobs are the responsibility of the employee who signed them out and shall not be loaned to a third party.

    • Lost or stolen key fobs should be reported to Todd Harmon, Director of Facilities at tharmon@wilsoncsd.org or 751-3240.

    • Replacement of a key fob will be assessed a $50 replacement fee. If reported within the first 24 hours, consideration will be given for a fee waiver.

    • You are only authorized to use your key fob according to the chart below. If you try to gain entry to the building outside of these hours, the building alarm will be triggered and the Sherrif's Office will be notified. You are required to remain on the property until you are cleared by the responding authorities.
    Approved Key Fob Entry
    When School is in Session Monday - Friday 6:30 am - 10:30 pm
    During Summer Break Monday - Friday 6:30 am - 4:00 pm
    Weekends, Holidays, Snow Days NO ENTRY NO ENTRY