CSEA EBF Sunrise Dental (available to all CSEA employees and all other employees as a guest - must maintain coverage for at least one year)
- Member Portal: Go to https://cseaebf.com and click on Member Portal in the center of the screen for account details, available benefits, provider search, order new cards, etc.
- Plan Brochure: Go to: https://cseaebf.com/display-group-benefits.php?id=127
- Participating Provider Search: https://cseaebf.com/provider/providerSearch.php
- Lookup your EBF ID: https://portal.cseaebf.com/login.php
- Paper Forms: https://cseaebf.com/download_forms.php
2024-25 Rates per Month:
Single Coverage: $55.84
Family Coverage: $150.55
Delta Dental PPO Plus Premier (available to all WTA employees)- Benefit Highlights
- Group Number: 21652
- Member Portal: https://www1.deltadentalins.com/members.html
- Participating Provider: https://www1.deltadentalins.com/individuals/find-a-dentist.html
Network = "Delta Dental Premier"
2024-25 Rates per month*:
Single Coverage: $27.55
Family Coverage: $74.89*Refer to your union contract for your employee contribution amount.
Employee contributions for benefits are taken over 20 pay periods. For your biweekly amount, take the total employee cost for the year (July - June) and divide by 20.
Customer Service: 1-800-932-0783 Available M-F from 8 am - 8 pm
Dental Pay (Pro Benefits Administrators)- http://www.probenefitsadmin.com/
- Find a Dentist: https://www.probenefitsadmin.com/dental-insurance/find-a-dentist/dentist-search
- Member Services: 716-832-3000