Wilson AthleticsFrequently Asked Question
May I take my child to our own doctor for a sports physical?
Yes, the Wilson Central Schools District Board of Education has a policy that allows this.
My child’s physical will expire during the current sports season. Do I need to get a new physical in order to complete the sport?
No, if the physical exam is valid on the first day of the sports season, it is valid for the entire season.
My child has medications in the nurse’s office; will she have access to it for sports after school?
No, this is the responsibility of the parent, child, and coach. Health personnel is not available after school.Can 6th graders play modified sports?
No, the Regulations of the NYSED Commissioner dictate that the interscholastic athletic program begins upon entry into the 7th grade.
A district resident has inquired about the athletic eligibility of their child. The student attends a small nonpublic school in our community, which does not offer any athletic opportunities for their student body. May they participate in our athletic program?
No, they are ineligible to compete because they are not a Bona Fide Student in our district, which requires the child to attend our school and be enrolled in three classes plus Physical Education.My child has an away contest in Albion, can I permit my neighbor to drive her home from Albion?
No, Wilson CSD only allows the child's parent to drive them home from the away contest. Our teams are provided school district transportation to and from away contests.
Our neighboring school district does not sponsor a field hockey program. Several students are interested in participating on our teams. Can they try out for our team?
No, they are not eligible to do so. A common misconception is that if a sport is not offered in one school a student can go to another school, which sponsors a program. This is not true. A student must be registered in a school (Bona Fide Student) to be eligible for its athletic programs.
One of our soccer players is attending a community college part-time and wonders if he can practice with that college’s soccer team?
The soccer player may not practice with the college squad during the scholastic soccer season or he will become ineligible from the date of participation.While visiting a college campus may a high school athlete participate in a practice or competition with the college team? What are the limitations?
The NYSPHSAA standard #7 states that a student-athlete may not participate in practice or competition with any individual or team(s) representing a college in that sport in that season.
In April members of our cross-country team have been invited to an invitational championship. May we participate?
After the season ends schools may not participate in a competition for that sport. No team or individual student may represent its school in any post-season game or tournament. Individuals may attend such competition unattached to the school. No school uniforms, equipment or financial support is permitted.
May a school practice/scrimmage against a club team?
No, interscholastic teams may not practice/scrimmage with or compete against club teams.
How is eligibility determined for a foreign exchange student?
If the student is affiliated with a foreign exchange program approved by CSIET, our transfer rule is waived for a maximum of one year to permit athletic eligibility. If the student is not in an approved CSIET program our transfer rule would be used to determine eligibility.
My son played JV basketball as a 7th grader and then repeated 7th grade. Will he be eligible to play his entire high school career?
No. A student has 6 years of eligibility once they begin participating as a 7th grader. 5 years if they begin as an 8th grader, and 4 years once they enter as a 9th grader. In this case, the child will not be eligible as a senior.
Two students who are homeschooled want to participate in our athletic program. May they?
No. Home-instructed students are not eligible to participate in interscholastic sports – Section 135.4 (2) (7) of the Commissioner’s Regulations directs that a participant in interscholastic sports must be enrolled in the public school.
One of our soccer players will be attending a week-long camp while participating in a tournament with their travel team. May we count those practices to fulfill the required number of practices required prior to competition?
No, the regulation requires practice to provide instruction and physical conditioning activities, skills, team play and game strategy designed for that sport under the supervision of a qualified coach appointed by the Board of Education of the Wilson Central School District.
Two people in our community would like to volunteer their time as assistant coaches for our soccer teams. Is this permissible?
Anyone coaching interscholastic sports must meet all the standards of the Commissioner’s Regulation 135.4. This means that they meet all the coaching qualification requirements of the State Education Department. Not being paid for coaching does not set aside these requirements.
My daughter would like to play modified girls volleyball this fall. Does she need to take and pass the APP program for this?
No. The Athletic Placement Program (APP) is designed for middle school students who are attempting to play a high school (JV or Varsity) sport.