Please scroll down to see current scholarships.
Click "EXPAND ALL " to see details for all, or click on the title of the scholarship to see that particular one.
* Due in Guidance Center on that date
*** Must be to organization by that date (student responsibility)
American Association of University Women (AAUW) Buffalo Branch "Women Entering College" Scholarship- Feb 19***
$5000 (4)
Open to high school senior girls attending school at an Erie or Niagara County high school. Must be planning on attending a two year or four year college in the fall. Applicant must have a GPA of at least 95. Two letters of recommendation and high school transcript are required.
Completed applications should be mailed to:
AAUW "Women Entering College" Scholarship Committee
P.O. Box 239, Amherst, NY 14226-9998
Zonta Club of Lockport Young Woman in Public Affairs Award - Feb. 21***
www.zonta.org (under the Young Women in Public Affairs Award)
$750 (local)
$500 (district)
$1,000 (national)
The award's purpose is to encourage high school women under the age of 19 to enter careers or seek leadership positions in social policy-making government and volunteer organizations.
Send completed applications to
Brenda Ulrich
814 Willow St.
Lockport, NY 14094
Li S. Liu P.E. Memorial Scholarship - Feb 28***
Given annually to a high school senior from Western New York who is accepted into an accredited engineering program.
New York Water Environment Assoc. Environmental Career Scholarship - Feb 28***
Student must enroll in a B.S or B.E. college program with an environmental emphasis.
The Junior League Of Buffalo High School Scholarship - Feb 28***
$2000 (3)
Open to graduating female high school seniors who have demonstrated a strong commitment to community service and volunteerism in the WNY Community.The scholarships are awarded based on evidence of demonstrated community service and volunteerism within their school and community. Student's background should show strong evidence of being well-rounded in personal and academic endeavors.
Completed applications must be emailed to swilkinson@lumsdencpa.com
AFA Teens for Alzheimer’s Awareness College Scholarship- March 1***
Applicants must complete application form, write a personal (200 word) biography, submit an official transcript, and write a 1200 – 1500-word essay that answers the following questions: How has Alzheimer’s disease changed or impacted your life? What have you learned about yourself, your family, and/or your community in the face of coping with Alzheimer’s disease?
Character Council of Western New York Character Excellence Scholarship- March 1***
Will be awarded to the most deserving high school senior enrolling full-time in a college or trade school for Fall 2024. Students must be a current resident of Allegheny, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Erie, Genesee, Niagara, Orleans, or Wyoming counties. Essay and references required.
Horatio Alger Association Scholarship- March 1***
Strong commitment to pursing a bachelor’s degree, financial need, involvement in co-curricular and community activities, demonstrated integrity and perseverance in overcoming adversity, minimum GPA of 2.0, and a United States Citizen.
Association of Fire District of the State of NY, Inc. Ned Carter Scholarship- March 2***
$1,500 (4)
Student must be related to or be a Firefighter in an affiliated member organization of the Association of Fire Districts of the State of NY and must reside within NYS.
Create-A-Greeting Card Scholarship- March 3***
If you are a creative, artistic person, why not submit your original photo, drawing, or artwork? All you need to do is design the front cover of a greeting card
Janice L. and David C. Wilson Scholarship - March 4*
$2,500 (2)
Must be a graduating senior who has at least an 80 overall average, be an individual of quality character and recognized as an academic hard worker. Having an academic career without any pattern of disciplinary history. Candidates intend to major in or focus on a related area of study in Agriculture, Environmental Studies, Conservation, Ecology, Human Services, Business or Education.
NOCA/ Career and Technical Education Scholarship- March 5*
Student must be a graduating senior who will be completing a two-year career and technical education program at the Niagara or Orleans CTE Center. Must be pursuing additional education or training in their career field over the next year. One of the two required letters of recommendation must be from an instructor or staff member at their CTE Center. Attendance from CTE junior and senior year must be included. Essay must include the value of CTE education as it relates to the student’s career goals, in addition to other essay points. WCS may submit one applicant.
NOCA/Genesee Community College- March 5*
Student must plan on attending GCC full-time and maintain GPA of 2.5. Criteria based on academic excellence, extracurricular activities, one-page essay, evidence of humanitarianism, and appearance/preparation of application. WCS may submit one applicant.
NOCA/Merit Scholarship- March 5*
Student must plan on enrolling full-time at an accredited two- or four-year college. Selection based on academic excellence, extracurricular activities, essay, and appearance/preparation of application. WCS may submit one applicant.
NOCA/ NCCC Scholarship- March 5*
Student must plan on attending NCCC full-time and maintain a 2.75 average. Criteria based on academic excellence, extracurricular activities, one-page essay, evidence of humanitarianism, and appearance/preparation of application. WCS may submit one applicant.
NOCA/ Niagara University Scholarship- March 5*
$6,000 (2)
Student must plan on attending Niagara University full-time and maintain a minimum GPA of 2.75. Criteria based on academic excellence, extracurricular activities, one-page essay, evidence of humanitarianism, and appearance/preparation of application. WCS may submit one applicant.
NOCA/Phoenix Scholarship - March 5*
Student must plan on enrolling full-time at an accredited two- or four-year college. The student has overcome in some way to achieve success in high school. The student’s obstacles and triumphs should be addressed in their essay along with other essay criteria. Selection based on academic excellence, extracurricular activities, essay, and appearance/preparation of application. WCS may submit one application.
NYSIR Scholarship Christin Ann Bambino Scholarship - March 7***
Available to a special education student who is college bound. The goal of this award is to reward a student who has worked through his or her special challenges to complete high school and obtain acceptance to a college or university.
NYSIR Scholarship Joseph Goncalves Student Humanitarian- March 7***
$3,000 (1)
$5,000 (1)
Available to a student who plans to attend college in New York State. Applicants should be able to demonstrate a record of involvement with a cause or organization that actively promotes social justice, equal opportunity, relief of human suffering or similar aspirations. Essay and letters of recommendation are required.
NYSIR Scholarship Paul Jensen Scholarship- March 7***
Available to a student who has excelled in design in his or her high school career. This scholarship is to reward a student who has shown interest and promise in design who is seeking an opportunity to pursue this path in college.
Columbus Citizens Foundation College Scholarships- March 14***
Must be students of Italian descent(25%) and must come from households where the total gross income does not exceed $25,000 per capita; must maintain 3.5 GPA and demonstrate that they have performed community service activities.
FASNY Gerald J. Buckenmeyer Volunteer Scholarship- March 15***
$1,500 (25)
Must be a senior in high school who will be enrolled at a two- or four-year institution of higher learning in the fall. Must be a current junior firefighter, Explorer Scout or RAM in a volunteer department, volunteer firefighter, or a volunteer with an EMS agency, and has demonstrated both a commitment to a volunteer emergency service and to the community. The applicant or his/her parent must be a member in good standing with FASNY.
BankOnBuffalo Scholarship - March 16***
$1000 (5)
Open to graduating senior who plans to attend a college/university in a finance or business-related filed. Application and essay required.
Ransomville Garden Club Scholarship- March 27*
Student must be graduating from Wilson in June and planning to attend an accredited two or four-year college/university. Preference given to those planning a career in environmental & natural science, horticulture, floriculture, landscape architecture, winery development, forestry & conservation, agriculture & food science or other related fields.
NCCC Foundation Inc. Scholarships- March 28***
Multiple awards are available. Student must be planning to attend NCCC in the fall. Must have started the FAFSA application. An essay that includes information about yourself, your career goals as well as extracurricular or community service activities, and why you would need the scholarship funds is required.
NCCC Foundation, Inc. Distinguished Student Scholarship- March 28***
2 years "tuition free" education
Applicant must be a full-time matriculated student and present evidence that he/she is academically capable of pursuing collegiate study at an above average level of achievement; must have volunteer community service and be involved in high school activities. Essay is required.
100 Club of Buffalo Scholarship of Excellence - March 31***
Applicant must be the child of, or you yourself be, an Emergency Responder, serve as a role model for other young adults, demonstrate community involvement, demonstrate extracurricular or employment activity, demonstrate consistent academic achievement throughout high school, exhibit leadership potential.
Eighth District Federated Garden Clubs of New York State- March 31***
Graduating senior residing in Alleghany, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Erie, or Niagara County. The applicant must be planning to major in one of the following areas: agriculture, botany, conservation, environmental science, forestry, land management, horticulture, landscape design, wildlife science, or a field related to the above. See website for more information.
Completed forms must be submitted by mail, postmarked between March 15 and March 31, 2024. Neither early submissions nor electronic submissions will be considered.
Kenan Arts Council Scholarship - March 31***
Student must be a high school senior who plans to attend college and major in art, dance, design, music, or theater. Student must have a GPA of 80%+ and be actively involved in extracurricular and community activities.
NYSHS Paul Baker Memorial Scholarship- March 31***
$500 (2)
Applicants must be a student in good standing( GPA of 2.5 or higher) at Lewiston-Porter, Starpoint, Niagara Wheatfield, or Wilson High school. Student needs to be able to demonstrate a significant commitment of volunteer service, family values, work ethic, as well as commitment to the agricultural community. The applicant must be accepted and plan to attend a two- or four-year college or Trade School. Completed application, letters of recommendation, and essay are required.
American Legion Candace Ann Cook Memorial Scholarship - April 1***
Open to graduating seniors who reside in Niagara County. Applicant must have a 3.0 GPA or higher and pursuing a degree in Health and Human Services or a Medical Field. Completed application, two letters of reference and essay of up to 500 words addressing the 3 G's and how it relates to yourself are required.
Christian Airmen Educational Foundation Scholarship - April 1***
Must be a senior who is currently attending a regional WNY high school. Preference will be given to those students who have completed an aviation ground or trade school and have demonstrated an interest in a particular field of aviation.
Niagara County Assessors' Association Scholarship- April 1***
Open to any Niagara County resident who is graduating from a Niagara County high school and plans to attend college within New York State. Based on citizenship, scholastic achievement, and career goals.
Orra Belle McCracken Memorial Scholarship- April 1***
The scholarship will be awarded to a Ransomville Baptist Church member, anyone associated with the Ransomville Baptist Church, Ransomville area residents, and students of the Wilson Central and Lew-Port School Districts. Scholarship is based on church and community participation; references from clergy, teachers, or counselors; GPA and rank in class.
WNY Manufacturing Engineers Trust Scholarship - April 2***
Multiple scholarships to High School Seniors who are entering a local college for a field of study in anything related to manufacturing. This would include mechanical, electrical, biomedical and industrial engineering, computer-aided design, engineering technology, etc. Civil Engineering does not fall under the criteria for this scholarship.
Maureen O’Connor Evans Memorial Scholarship-April 9*
Given to one or two seniors each year. An essay describing your thoughts and attitudes towards volunteerism in your community is required.
Taste of Buffalo Scholarship - April 17***
$1000 (4)
Applicants must be residents of Erie, Niagara, Orleans, Genesee, Wyoming, Chautauqua, Cattaraugus, or Allegany counties in NYS and continuing their education in an accredited two or four-year school pursuing a degree in Food Service or Hospitality curriculum such as a Chef, Baking and Pastry Arts, Travel & Tourism, Hotel Management. Scholarship recipients will be selected based on achievement, experience, enthusiasm, recommendations, school/community involvement, goals, and overall interest.
Tops Friendly Markets Scholarship - April 17***
1000 ( 1)
Applicants must be residents of Erie, Niagara, Orleans, Genesee, Wyoming, Chautauqua, Cattaraugus, or Allegany counties in NYS and continuing their education in an accredited two or four-year school pursuing a degree in Culinary Arts/Culinary Arts Management curriculum with plans to pursue a career path in Nutrition & Wellness, Holistic Nutrition, Food Entrepeneurship, Food Retail Operations, Restaurant Operations, Food Science, Dietetics, Food Stylist, or Food Photography. Scholarship recipients will be selected based on achievement, experience, enthusiasm, recommendations, school/community involvement, goals, and overall interest.
Wilson All-Sports Booster Club Scholarship -Charles R. Jufer Scholarship -Robert Dinse Scholarship - April 23*
$500 (4)
Student must have maintained at least an 85% average and worked equal or above their abilities. The student must also be attending a two- or four-year college/university next fall. Student must have participated in six sports programs, with a minimum of one per year in grades nine through twelve. Essays are required.
Thomas D. Reubens Memorial Scholarship- April 24*
Applicant must be a member of the graduating class who will be attending an accredited institute of higher learning in the fall. Preference will be given to students with a planned course of study in environmental and related fields, history/philosophy or liberal arts.
Jane B. Moxham Award- April 25*
Primarily intended for a senior who has made an outstanding contribution to student government though his/her high school career and/or will be pursuing a career in law, government, criminal justice, or law enforcement.
Wilson Central Music Parents Association Award - April 29*
Student must be a graduating senior who has participated in band and or chorus for four consecutive years. Criteria based on academic record, school activities, community service, and music participation. Preference will be given to applicants who will be pursuing a degree in the music field.
Austin Wilson Memorial Scholarship - April 30*
Applicant must be a graduating senior from Wilson High School. Preference will be given to students who attend BOCES for Project-based Engineering or Conservation.
Kappa Upsilon Zeta Chapter Connie C. Bowman Book Scholarship - April 30***
Applicant must be female and have at least one birth parent who is a member of one of the following groups: Black/African American, Hispanic, Native American, African or Black/African Caribbean. The applicant needs to be a high school senior in Erie or Niagara County, who will be enrolled at a college or university in Erie or Niagara County and registered for a minimum of 12 credit hours. Applicant must be a resident of Erie or Niagara County and have a minimum GPA of 3.0 or 85 or above. Transcript, professional letter of recommendation and a letter of recommendation demonstrating community involvement are required.
Kappa Upsilon Zeta Chapter Willie Carney Harden Undergraduate Scholarship - April 30***
Applicant must be female and have at least one birth parent who is a member of one of the following groups: Black/African American, Hispanic, Native American, African or Black/African Caribbean. The applicant needs to be a high school senior in Erie or Niagara County, who will be enrolled at a college or university in Erie or Niagara County and registered for a minimum of 12 credit hours. Applicant must be a resident of Erie or Niagara County and have a minimum GPA of 3.0 or 85 or above. Transcript, professional letter of recommendation and a letter of recommendation demonstrating community involvement are required.
MMB Accounting Diversity Scholarship - April 30***
To apply students must identify with an ethnic minority, must have applied to an accounting program that would lead to the student to licensure as a CPA. Students must have accounting as their major field of study.
CSEA Local #872 Community Scholarship Open Scholarship- May 1*
CSEA Local 872 Wilson Central Unit Son/Daughter - May 1*
Must be a son/daughter or legal dependent of a WCS employee represented by CSEA Local 872, Unit 7683-00.
Michael J. Kogutek American Legion Scholarship - May 2***
$1,500 (2)
Open to NYS Veterans, their families, and patriotic students who share the ideals of the American Legion. The scholarship will be awarded on monetary need, scholastic ability, realistic goals, extra-curricular activities, and community involvement.