• New York State's English Language Proficiency Development Levels

    New York State Regulation CR Part 154-2 identifies five levels of English Language Proficiency Development for ELLS. They are as follows:

        1. Entering (Beginning) 360 minutes of service per week
        2. Emerging (Low Intermediate) 360 minutes of service per week
        3. Transitioning (Intermediate) 180 minutes of service per week
        4. Expanding (Advanced) 180 minutes of service per week
        5. Commanding (Proficient) 90 minutes of service per week
          • *NOTE: When a student reaches the Commanding level on the NYSESLAT exam, he/she will no longer be considered an ELL and will receive two more years of ENL services and support before he/she exits the program.

    The following are links to understand your students' ENL needs for the ENL program. The Units of Study are based on the student's language level (which is either assigned to them after taking the NYSESLAT exam, or assigned to them based on their scoring on the NYSITELL, administered by the ESOL teacher) and provide information for how much minimum time they are required to receive ENL services during the school day.




        • ENL Units of Study Glossary: This link provides information on common ENL terms for the units of study (What is the NYSESLAT? What is "co-teaching" in the ENL context? What are the meanings of the different language levels?, etc.)