• Stand-Alone vs. Integrated ENL Instruction: What's the Difference? 

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    What does Stand-alone ENL mean? Does it mean that it must be in a pull-out situation or can it be in a push-in model as well?

    A: In Stand-alone ENL, students receive English Language Development taught by a New York State certified ESOL teacher in order to acquire the English Language needed for success in core content areas. See Units of Study Tables to determine the appropriate model. Only ELLs receive Stand-alone ENL instruction. Standalone ENL can be done in a variety of classroom settings. See link: http://www.p12.nysed.gov/biling/resource/cr-part-154/units-of-studytables.html

    What is Integrated ENL?

    A: Integrated ENL is when students receive core content area (i.e., English Language Arts, Math, Science, or Social Studies) and English language development instruction which includes home language supports and appropriate ELL scaffolds carried out by a combination of ESOL and content certified teachers or dually certified teachers.

    In Integrated ENL must the student makeup of the class be a mix of ELL and Non-ELLs? If so is there a ratio between ELLs and Non-ELLs?

    A: In Integrated ENL, the student makeup of a class does not have to be a mix of ELLs and Non-ELLs, but can be if you choose to. An Integrated ENL class could be made up entirely of ELLs. The Integrated nature of Integrated ENL is in the instruction, not necessarily the student make-up of the class.

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