Online resources
World Book Online
Britannica Animals A-Z
Britannica Middle School
(In the Login section on the right-hand side of the screen, use password: empirelink)EBOOKS:
EPIC eBooks
(sign in with Ms. Henzel's Class Code: mqm3264 )
Ebsco eBooks
(Username: wiboces; Password: Lime226!; choose K-8 collection)
WBO eBooks
(Choose 'eBooks' button. Username and password are both: wilsonwbo)WEBSITES:
Animal Diversity Web
(Use the 'Search ADW' box on the right)
Animals A-Z
(scroll down for a complete list)
Softschool Animals Facts
San Diego Zoo
Smithsonian National Zoo
Lincoln Park Zoo
National Geographic Kids websiteEBOOKS FOR GENERAL RESEARCH TIPS:
Smart Research Strategies: Finding the Right Sources (available in the LMC card catalog)
Collect Your Thoughts: Organizing Information (available in the LMC card catalog)
Think for Yourself: Avoiding Plagiarism (available in the LMC card catalog)