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Britannica Middle School
(If prompted to login, choose 'Use My Location')EBOOKS:
EPIC eBooks
(sign in with Ms. Henzel's Classroom Code: zed3789 )Greek Mythology - Gods of Olympus - Search for books on individual gods too
EBSCO eBooks
(Username: wiboces; Password: Lime226!; choose K-8 collection)Greek Mythology - Ten of the Best God and Goddess Stories - Greek Myths and Legends -
WBO eBooks
(Username and password are both: wilsonwbo)Myths & Legends of Ancient Greece - Tales & Legends of Ancient Greece
Search the Card Catalog and choose the 'Websites' tab for results
(Make sure to choose 'Login', in the upper right-hand corner first. These searches are better quality than Google)Theoi: Encyclopedia of Gods & Goddesses
(Has all but Achilles, Adonis, Daedalus, Icarus and Orpheus)Ancient Greek Gods & Goddesses
Nat Geo Gods and Goddesses
Mr. Donn's PageGreek Mythology
Encyclopedia Mythica
Gods & Goddesses of Ancient Greece
The Twelve Olympians and Others
Greek Gods & Goddesses
Who's Who of the Greek GodsGreek God Family Tree (diagram)
Vocaroo (for recording voices)
Audacity Tutorial for Beginners
Audacity Tutorial 1 (Miss Mahar's version)
Audacity Tutorial 2 (Miss Mahar's version)
**Audacity is only available on desktops, not Chromebooks**
Smart Research Strategies eBook (login with your Google account)