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Britannica Middle School
(Choose 'Use My Location' to access)EBOOKS:
EPIC eBooks
(sign in with Ms. Henzel's Classroom Code: zed3789)
- Major Battles of the War of 1812
- Famous People of the War of 1812
- Iroquois
- Mohawk
- Native American Encyclopedia (9 volume set, search by title)EBSCO eBooks
(Username: wiboces; See Miss Mahar for password; choose K-8 collection)
Following are some good titles to look up.
Hint: Choose 'PDF Full Text' to view the book, and then 'Search Within' to search for a word inside the book
- War of 1812
- War of 1812
- Technology during the Revolutionary War (weapons)
- Weapons during the American Revolution
- Tomahawk
- Native Peoples of the Northeast
- Iroquois Confederacy
- Treaty of Ghent
- The Legacy of the War of 1812WBO eBooks
(Username and password are both: wilsonwbo)
- IroquoisCARD CATALOG (print books & some eBooks)
(Login with your Google account, in the upper right-hand corner)Biography Database by Gale (for the American and Canadian generals)
(Password: empirelink)WEBSITES:
Websites through the Card Catalog (use the 'Websites' link, not the 'Books' link)
(Login with your Google account, in the upper right-hand corner)Burning of Niagara (Tuscarora Heroes)
Sir Isaac Brock (Canadian General)
Stephen Van Rensselaer (American General)
George McClure (American General)
Winfield Scott (American Colonel)
Five Mile Meadow (also known as Stella Preserve)
Five Mile Meadow 2 (Stella Preserve)
John Ellicott (YouTube video, 9 minutes)
Holland Land Company and the Development of WNY (YouTube video, 60 minutes)
EBOOKS FOR GENERAL RESEARCH TIPS: (available in the LMC card catalog, sign in with Google)
Smart Research Strategies: Finding the Right Sources
Collect Your Thoughts: Organizing Information
Think for Yourself: Avoiding Plagiarism