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- World Book Online (username and password is: wilsonwbo, and choose 'Advanced')
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- BrainPOP videos (you should have accounts?)
- FactCite articles (username and password is: onboces)eBook: African American Civil Rights Movement
- Access through World Book Online
- Username and password: wilsonwbo
- Choose eBooks and search for the titleeBook: The Great Depression
- Access through World Book Online
- Username and password: wilsonwbo
- Choose eBooks and search for the titleeBook: Martin Luther King Jr.
- Access through World Book Online
- Username and password: wilsonwbo
- Choose eBooks and search for the titleThe Great Depression
Summary of the GD
Stock Market Crash
Stock Market Crash 2
Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal
Okies, or Dust Bowl refugees
Okies 2
Social and Economic effects of the GD
Effects of the GD on various classes
Effects on classes 2
Effects of the GD on everyday life
Photographs illustrating the effects on peopleDust Bowl Websites
Summary 1
Summary 2
Voices from the Dust BowlAfrican Americans Living in the US between 1900-1959
Life in the 1900s
Education of black children in the 1900s
Voting for blacks in the 1900s
The role of black churches in the south
Black leaders and achievers
Outline of slavery in the U.S.
Segregation in Alabama
The Ku Klux Klan
Greenwood riot
Rosewood Massacre
Black soldiers in World War I
Black solderis in World War II
Justice: Scottsboro timeline
Scottsboro trials
Justice: Lynchings
Justice in the south, 1930s
Brownsville riot
Harlem Race Riot of 1935
Harlem Race Riot 2
March on Washington
24th InfantryCivil Rights Movement in the US
Civil Rights Movement
Brown vs. the Board of Education
Little Rock and Desegregation
Martin Luther King Jr
I Have a Dream Speech
Medgar Evers
Black Nationalism and Black Power
Civil Rights Leaders
Civil Rights Leaders 2
Online exhibit with photographs, documents and audio recordingsMiscellaneous
Primary documents, from the American South Collection at UNC
Five Pillars of Jim Crow
Jim Crow Era Timeline of Events
African American History Timeline, 1920-1929
Personal narratives from the Jim Crow Era
Writing resources