Research Tools
Want to improve your grade on this assignment? Use the 'Review Center' feature in PAPER to get feedback from outside teachers on your rough draft, before turning in your final project. Access PAPER through Clever, and off you go!
Online Resources:
Follow the video tutorial by Mrs. Wright. Password is: Wilson1Cost of Living websites
NerdWallet: Comparing Cities Calculator
BankRate: Comparing Cities Calculator
Choosing a College
Collegeboard (use the filters to narrow your search, beginning with 'majors')
World Book Encyclopedia (Use the Advanced version)
Username and password are both: wilsonwboBritannica Encyclopedia, (Use the high school edition)
Choose 'use location' under the Location Detection tabGale Databases ('Vocations and Careers" - magazines, journals and newspapers)
Use the 'Cross Search' tool, to search all databases. Password: empirelinkNewsbank (newspaper database)
Username: wiboces, Password: Lime226!Websites through the Card Catalog (use the 'Websites' link, not the 'Books' link)
Login using your Google account