Research Tools
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Online Resources:
Biography in Context (biography database)
Username and password available from Mrs. FournierWorld Book Encyclopedia (Use the Advanced version)
Username and password are both: wilsonwboBritannica Encyclopedia, (Use the high school edition, listed underneath the Encyclopedia tab. There is a 'Biography Browse' tool here too.)
Choose 'use location' under the Location Detection tab and wait for authentication.Newsbank (newspaper database)
Username: wiboces, Password: Lime226!Gale Databases (magazines, journals and newspapers)
Use the 'Cross Search' tool, to search all databases. Password: empirelinkWebsites through the Card Catalog (use the 'Websites' link, not the 'Books' link)
Login using your Google accountEBSCO ebooks
Username: wiboces; Password: Lime226!*NCCC Database page (paying students only): Use an advanced search for 'subject', when possible
Possible useful databases include: Gale Virtual Reference Library, New York Times, Pop Culture Studies, Popular Magazines)
Username and password available from Mrs. FournierPrint Resources: Multi-volume sets in the Biography section
Current Biography, 1940-2016
For historical and popular figures. Use the index to find the correct volume.Encyclopedia of World Biography
For historical and popular figures from around the world.Dictionary of American Biography
For historical and popular American figures.Something About the Author
For writers and authors.Card catalog
There may be print books or eBooks available. Login with your Google account, to access eBooks.